
Promote sustainable industrialization and raise industry’s share of jobs and gross domestic product, including doubling its share in least developed countries.
Could this be your career mission?
Below are employers you could work for, occupations they employ, and education and training programs to prepare you to achieve this target.

Community Development Associations: Address various community needs, including economic development and sustainable practices.
Environmental and Conservation Groups: Promote sustainable industrial practices within local communities.
Small Business and Entrepreneurial Networks: Promote sustainable and inclusive practices among small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Worker Cooperatives: Establish sustainable and inclusive industrial practices in specific industries.
Youth Development Organizations: Promote sustainable and inclusive opportunities in various industries.
Women's Empowerment Groups: Promote inclusive and sustainable practices that empower women in industries.
Farmers' Cooperatives: Promote sustainable and inclusive agricultural and agribusiness practices.
Community-Based Renewable Energy Initiatives: Focus on renewable energy projects at the community level and contribute to sustainable industrialization efforts.
Educational and Training Centers: Provide vocational training and education and help prepare the community for sustainable and inclusive employment in various industries.
Local Chambers of Commerce: Promote sustainable business practices and inclusive economic development within their communities.