
Reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births.
Could this be your career mission?
Below are employers you could work for, occupations they employ, and education and training programs to prepare you to achieve this target.

Community Health Workers Programs: Provide maternal health education, support, and basic healthcare services within communities.
Women's Health Clinics: Local clinics dedicated to women's health often focus on maternal health services, including prenatal and postnatal care.
Community Maternal and Child Health Centers: Provide comprehensive maternal and child health services, including vaccinations, antenatal care, and family planning.
Traditional Birth Attendant Networks: In some areas, TBAs are trained and organized into networks to provide safe and culturally sensitive maternity care in the community.
Mother Support Groups: Bring together pregnant women and new mothers to share experiences, receive education, and access resources related to maternal health.
Community-Based Organizations for Women's Health: Address maternal health issues, providing services and advocating for improved healthcare infrastructure.
Women's Cooperatives: Support maternal health through education, financial assistance, and community advocacy.
Village Health Committees: Work collaboratively to address health issues, including maternal health, at the local level.
Community-Based Midwifery Programs: Provide skilled care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period.
Mobile Health Clinics: Bring healthcare services, including maternal health, to remote or underserved communities, ensuring better access to care.